Fitbit vs. Apple Watch vs. Samsung Galaxy Watch Smartwatch Battle

May 12, 2022

Fitbit vs. Apple Watch vs. Samsung Galaxy Watch Smartwatch Battle

Smartwatches have become a ubiquitous accessory over the years. With so many brands and models available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this blog post, we will compare the Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Samsung Galaxy Watch, and see which one comes out on top.


All three smartwatches have a sleek design that looks good on any wrist. The Fitbit has a classic fitness tracker look with a simple display, while the Apple Watch has a square-shaped display with rounded corners, and the Samsung Galaxy Watch has a round display.

The straps for all three watches are interchangeable, so you can customize them according to your style preference. The Samsung and Apple Watch have more strap options available, while Fitbit has a more limited selection.

Winner: Tie, as the design is subjective and depends on personal preference.


The primary purpose of a smartwatch is to track your fitness, provide notifications, and help with daily tasks.

Fitbit is known for its fitness tracking capabilities, and its smartwatches focus on fitness features such as heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and exercise tracking. The Apple Watch, on the other hand, has a more diverse range of features, from tracking workouts, heart rate, and ECG readings, to sending and receiving calls, texts, and emails.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch has similar features to the Apple Watch, with the added bonus of having a built-in GPS and a rotating bezel, which makes navigation easier.

Winner: Apple Watch, due to its diverse range of features.

Battery Life

The battery life of a smartwatch is an essential factor to consider. A smartwatch with a short battery life defeats the purpose of having one in the first place.

The Fitbit has the best battery life of the three, lasting up to five days, while the Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch last up to roughly 18 hours and 3 days, respectively.

Winner: Fitbit, due to its long battery life.


The final factor in this smartwatch battle is the price. The Fitbit is the most affordable smartwatch of the three, with the Apple Watch being the most expensive.

Fitbit: $99-$329

Apple Watch: $279-$1,499

Samsung Galaxy Watch: $249-$449

Winner: Fitbit, as it is the most affordable option.


All three smartwatches have their pros and cons. Fitbit is the best option for fitness enthusiasts, while the Apple Watch is ideal for those who want a diverse range of features. On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy Watch offers similar features to the Apple Watch with an added bonus of a built-in GPS and longer battery life.

Winner: It ultimately depends on what features and budget you are looking for in a smartwatch.



Apple Watch

Samsung Galaxy Watch

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